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Concert Band

Grades:  9-12        1.0 Credit        Prerequisite: None

Incoming freshmen may enroll in Concert Band. Students will survey a variety of concert literature and work on development of ensemble blend, balance, intonation, sight-reading, and individual instrumental technique. Members will have the opportunity to study with professional clinicians to enhance personal improvement and aid in preparation of solo and ensemble repertoire for the District Solo and Ensemble Festival held each spring. During the fall season, participation in the marching band is expected for all home football games, competitions, and parades. During the winter season, participation in the pep band is expected for home games. This class may include summer rehearsals and an annual Band Camp scheduled in August.


Symphonic Band

Grades:  9-12      1.0 Credit      Prerequisite: Audition

This is the highest-level instrumental performing group in the school. Transfer students will be auditioned and placed according to the director’s judgment. Students should have their own instrument. A few of the larger, more expensive instruments are provided by the school for a small yearly rental fee. This is a performing class with performances during and after school. Participa tion in marching band is expected for students enrolled in this course. Confl icts which take a student away from the majority of after school rehearsals, practices or performances should be discussed with the band director. This class includes summer rehearsals and an annual Band Camp scheduled in August. Auditions will be held in May.

Wind Ensemble

Grades:  9-12      1.0 Credit      Prerequisite: Audition

Wind Ensemble is the highest-level band course offered at Century and Glencoe. Grade IV and V solo literature will be a focus of the course. Required performances are part of the course and students are highly encouraged to participate in marching band and pep band. This class may include summer rehearsals and an annual Band Camp scheduled in August.


Jazz Ensemble

Grades:  9-12        1.0 Credit        Prerequisite: None
This class meets during period 0

Jazz Ensemble is an instrumental course designed to study and perform styles of music native to American popular music. All musicians in jazz band must also be in concert band or symphonic band except piano, and electric guitar. Electric bass, piano, and electric guitar will be auditioned from non-band members if no band members are available to play them. The group rehearses four days a week. This is a performing course with performances during and after school. Conflicts which take a student away from the majority of after school rehearsals, practices or performances require band director approval before the student registers for the class. Auditions will be held in May

Music Percussion

Grades:  9-12        1.0 Credit        Prerequisite: None

This is a course for all those who play drums, or want to play drums. Learn basic through advanced percussion techniques, from professional drummers basic through advanced percussion techniques, including African drums, drum set, marching drums, mallets, and all aspects of making a beat. This is a performing course with performances during and after school. All students taking this course should expect to attend MANDATORY performances and occasional rehearsals on evenings and/ or weekends.

Sheet Music Edits

AP Music Theory

Grades:  11-12       1.0 Credit       Prerequisite: See Below*

This class is for experienced musicians who are interested in a more in-depth study of music theory, and ear training history. Advanced music knowledge will be developed through classroom lecture, individual projects, and computer technology. Students will compose, arrange, or transcribe a piece of music in the fall that may be used as a senior project. Students will be prepared to take the AP Music Theory exam in the spring. *CHS: concurrent enrollment in Concert Choir or Symphonic Band 

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