Patty Battin
Dec 3, 2024
Uniform, Trailer, Volunteers, Winter Food Planning, Fundraising, Treasurer
Uniform and Apparel
No payment for winter costume/uniform then the student can not perform.
Parents could order what they want/need on their own.
Winter percussion will have 3 teams. Varsity, JV (A Team) and Cadets.
Uniform carts in the white trailer and it is very full now.
Band/Technology Shared Food Trailer Update
Clara Salter has pictures of all around the trailer so the vendor can put it together. There will be an awning on it. The goal is to have everything easy to remove and emptied.
The Board agreed to allowing $600 towards the project.
Talk about a laminated work top.
Vendor- Ron would like to look at the trailer next week and possibly take it and get started.
Possible expense of wheels, trax, new grill top
Working on donations first and then priority list with chefs for additional items and/or “Band Registry” style list
Sign-ups for:
Winter Percussion Prop Building- French Kitchen is OPEN class We have some materials already.
There are no props for A Class (Percussion)
Caroling in the Neighborhood-
Student Fundraiser for points- Friday, Dec. 13 from 4:30pm - 8PM
Light up the students.
Donations split with CHS Coin Drive
Can Drive- Dec.14- Madeline Snively
All Night Party 12/20 starts at 7:30 PM goes to 6 AM
Going bowling this year
Student Leadership organizing activities and food
Additional games/requests TBA soon
Food Planning for Winter activities:
Budget for each Winter Group for Food
They get the fees they collect plus we give $5,000 to one and $6,000 to the other.
Food Team Leads
Cris Travis leading the Winterguard group (with Lana’s team)
2nd Winterguard group lead(s)?
Winter Percussion Open Class/A Team for Meal Planning/Prep
Other Questions:
Winter Concert Performance time 12/17 @ 7PM
CHOMP Concert is Jan. 23rd at 8PM
During the showcase Burgerville was a fundraiser for us and we earned $362.87
One More Time Around Band performance at Century. We can invite other schools to join us. We will do this on May 30th, 2024.
Fun Run May 17th.
Auction Menu will be finalized on January 16th. The theme is going to be Jags and Jazz. New Orleans style.
Mothers day flowers fundraiser. Looking for the dates.
Needs list of students participating in Winter program
$3,000 donation came in strictly for helping students in need. We have a form created for this. We need to find a way to continue to add to this fund to keep it going.
Web posting please let Jason know what is being sold so he can give a link so that he knows what is being sold. What he sees now is Custom Amount. It will be easier if he knows what is being bought.
Jim Dunlop
February 7th Jazz Benefit Concert.
Percussion is not doing a trip. Half wanted to do it and Half did not want to do it. The half that didn’t want to do the trip won. There will be more discussion around this.
Winterguard is doing the trip to San Diego.