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Jan Board Meeting

Patty Battin

Jan 7, 2025

Treasurer, Fundraising, Uniform, Volunteering, Dunlop


  • We are reconciled through October. You get the other forms to come with our main statement so we can do those. 

  • Discussion about financial assistance. 

  • The financial assistance form isn't live on the website, but I've sent them out to people that said they needed it. 

  • Every month, we'll review them. 

  • The credits of the seniors that are leaving, can have the option of rolling that over to the financial assistance fund or they can choose to give it to another student. We can talk about that at the parent meeting next week. The credit money is from pies, hops and we can't give that back. It's their money to spend while they're in the band. If they happen to not use it, then it  can go back to the financial assistance fund. If we put it in the scholarship fund, then it goes to a student that needs it. It's a right way to keep the fund building, and then anybody that wants to fund a scholarship, we can open that up,that money will go directly into a bucket that will be set aside to say, this is only for scholarships. We're not going to spend it on anything.


  • First item is May 30th, that we're looking at for the One More Time Around Band. We're shooting to go for the Guinness Book of World Records. We want to do 1,000 people playing Louis Louis at the same time. 

  • We're working on getting ahold of the Kingsmen that they can come out here. And any news media. How do we do this where it benefits our school the most. I also have to look at capacity. It probably won't cost us to use the stadium. 

  • If you wanted to be a part of the Guinness Book of World Records, you can charge $15. You got to participate and be on the list of people that attended. You can charge $5 to come watch it. 

  • Last year we asked people to bring their soda cans, we brought in some more money off of that as well. 

  • We know how to work and staff hot dog nation. 

  • It's going to be a grander event probably at the stadium. 

  • One More Time Around Band is trying to get 400 participants this year because it's the 40th anniversary. And that's why I'm trying to do a thousand. 

  • We could give out certificates that say I was  officially in the Guinness Book of World Records.

  • We're going to be inviting everybody and see if they can do it. They need to play the same one and I think we have to make sure we have permission to pass it out to everybody. 

  • Jingle Bell Run we earned $794 we got half because we split it. We let the kids know that we were going to split the money. 

  •  May 17th, we're going to do the Bandwidth run. We'll have to create a QR code for people to register. We have to put the bandwidth run thing on there. Sunday, we all got together and created a new QR code that we can put onto yard signs. 

  • We have been meeting every Sunday trying to get lists of things of how the Auction is going to look. We've got the venue locked up, Hidden Creek. 

  • I'm trying to create a shell so that it's something that any volunteer can step into in the future. 

  • We have an Excel spreadsheet with about 500 businesses to contact.

  • We're going over to Godoy's house on the 16th to actually go over the menu and take some things and say, yes, no, and narrow down the menu. You can buy the ticket, or you can buy the ticket that includes two drinks. So, we're going to serve beer, wine, and cider, there is a limit. You only get two drinks. The theme this year is jags and jazz. We love to have swing dancers there. 

  • It would be nice to get people in the community to help support our school. So that's why we're doing Hidden Creek. That's why we want to have 60 yard signs

  • The candy grams went out today. We have asked parents for donations. Last year, we did these little boxes, the candy grams They're $8 apiece. And last year, we limited everybody to 2.

  • We're going to deliver them to the mini lab, and we're going to limit it to 4 this year. Also this year it doesn't have to go to somebody in the band.

  • We're not giving the kids any money off of it. So it's a band fundraiser. So they actually get a point. You don't get a point for a box. You would need to buy 4 boxes to get that point. 

  • If you have somebody in the school, then we want to give it to them. Wait, wait. Yeah, we should sell them to other students in the school, like put up a table, and sell them to other students. 

Uniform and Apparel 


There are still some issues with Jackets from last year. 



  • Do we know a budget for winter color guard? Will get that number from Zach.

  • The trailers can be worked on. They already had the wraparound e-tracks that everything will click into. He already has the carts,the fold up ones that are in addition to, they're extra special to use in other areas that are getting donated. They're also building us the five-wheeled shelving units, four by two by six feet in height, giving us all the straps to attach it and fix it, changing out LED lights on there and some little oval things,  installing the line for free, plus the threshold for the door. It should be here by January 15th or 16th.

  • Thomas has a fabulous connection was brought from RC Trailers and then we could get the golf cart in there. 

  • Claire is working on the organizational piece with the team and so looking at those budget items. 

  • We'll look at what we can purchase with the original six hundred dollars that we talked about as well as any additional items. 

  • We'll check on prop signups, any other needs for like winter guards that are known there were baskets needed at one point 

  • The hours for volunteering were sent out to the secretary. That will get sent out. 

Jim Dunlop

  • We're doing some adjusting, we're looking at the drum line, reshaping a little bit, just want to throw it out there. That we're not finding an adult person to come in and run it. 

  • We're going to have Students run the cadet group, be more in charge, be more involved in the group. We have some adults already that will help watch it, but they can't necessarily teach all the time. 

  • What we have lost is in one of my classes. I need an adult to help watch the recording studio so that I can have the kids in that class. I'm going to put something out to see if there's a couple of adults who would come in for an hour and a half and just monitor. 

  • So you sign in as a volunteer, get a temporary badge thing. What class period? It's A period, the last class of the day, so fourth period. They don't have to do anything. 

  • They just have to be there. Once we get permission.

  • I'm trying to figure out how to take the band, the jazz band, to the Lionel Hampton, which would be an overnight thing in Moscow, Idaho. 

  • We'll find out about New York on the 15th of January. They'll announce the groups that got in, and then we can go from there, so. 

  • If we get into New York, there's only one group. We'll take the one o'clock ban, but we can't take both groups. 

  • Idaho is not a big trip charge. It's an overnight sleeping in a gym.. Wake up in the morning. We'll charge for food. It will be some kind of a charge, if the school will pay for the bus, then that's free. 

  • We have to pay for the hotel for the bus driver. We have to pay for food. So, we'll figure that out and say, hey, everybody's, you know, 75 bucks or something, but a nominal fee. So, we can take both groups, I think. 

  • We'll do something fun. Woo-hoo! Yeah. That'll be fun. Jazz deserves that. They work hard. So, that's all we have. 

Any other general opens? The April/ May meetings are coming up and we'll be opening up the board positions, again. That will be myself and I know Patty said she may have to step down. 

I'm considering it, yes. I know they're all available to apply for but kind of where we're at right now. April, May we'll start that and then we vote and then it gets in and then they take over 

July 1.  

A question on the March 15th can drive. Winterguard and Winter Percussion have competition on that date. We can look at a different weekend. We'll figure it out as it gets closer.. 

©2025 by Century High School Marching Band & Colorguard.

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