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Jan Parent Meeting

Patty Battin

Jan 14, 2025

Hops, Fundraising, Treasurer, Volunteer, Dunlop, Board positions,

Sheryl Hughes

I have been in charge of the Hops Concessions for five years. I'm starting a master's program in addition to working full-time and I am not going to be able to do it this year. The first meeting, which is mandatory, is February 1. I need to find somebody who can at least attend that meeting, and then hopefully take the program over. It involves a lot of communication with the Hops people and a lot of communication with the Band people. 

If you're good at communicating, reading your emails, organized and able to send out sign-up genius emails then those are big things that are needed for the job. So I would love it if somebody steps up. 

You wouldn't have to do any shifts. Ideally, you would. It's the organization and the communication that are crucial. 

I have pages of information, and how it all works. Some things are changing. 

Please get the word out. I'm also going to have an email sent out. It's a great program for personal fundraising. Iit would be a shame to lose it. 


Candy Grahams. We are looking for donations. It can be candy. It can be stickers. It can be anything that will fit in a little six inch by two inch box. 

We got a whole bunch of pencils last year, pencils don't fit. 

I did order some little chapsticks on Amazon. It can be anything. Even if it's just a little five dollar bag. 

The candy grams are $8, and we have a limit of four this year. Last year we did a limit of two, and we sold out. 

It made us $796. 

In order for you to get a point, you have to purchase just two. 

The candy grams go out to your band kids or kids in the school. So if your student does purchase one of the candy grams, they're responsible for taking it to the student that is out there. 

They'll pick up their candy gram and deliver it to their friends. 

Jags and Jazz Auction. 

Hidden Creek Community Center is the location this year. 

It is on April 26. 

Tickets are live. 

For the band, for us parents, and stuff like that, we get an early bird discount. So right now until March 1st, they are only $55 a ticket. 

We do have an option for $15 more, you can get it with two drink tickets. We will have beer, wine, and cider there. 

On March 1st, tickets go up to $60.

On the day of the event, $65. 

Once we hit 120 people, we can't get any more in.

Get your tickets early. 

Bandwidth. March 17 will be our 2nd annual bandwidth run

We're looking for sponsors for this event. We'd love to have some people out there that can sponsor tents, that can bring food in. 

We had 54 runners last year. 

We just did the Turkey Thon this year with our students. 

Their very first run they ever did was only 12 people. And 10 of them were their families. So for us, they said for us to do 54 people, and they weren't our family, it was incredible. 

I think we can double or triple it. It's a lot of fun. 

One More Time Around Band. I've been in communication with One More Time Around Band. 

We have a goal of 1,000 people playing all at the same time. Louie, Louie, and get on the Guinness Book of World Records. So we're working on it. It's tentative. 

We're working out the details. We're working on Channel 12 news coming out here. The Kingsmen, who actually wrote the songs. They're originally from the Fort Lake area. Several of them still live here, 

Our last Can Drive was a great success. We got in a lot of cans.

Future can drives coming up February 8th, March 8th, April 19th and May 3rd. 

Jingle Bell Run or the Door to Door where we went Christmas caroling over here on Christmas break. The band made half, $749.and the other half $749 we gave to charity.

We still are doing our one in the spring when the weather is nice. Everything is a


You still have time to get more points. extending the date that they need to have their ten points done. 


Fair shares, we need those paid as quickly as possible. As of right now, winter percussion open in A class, 72% have not been paid, and that's just the first and second fair share of payments. 

That's not including the third one. For winter guard fair share, 64% have not paid. To put this in perspective, we just got the bills for the NWAPA fees to enter the competitions. It's $5,100 for all four groups. 

Has everybody been giving the invoices that have been going out? I have seen a lot where the second fair share is being paid. I'm getting a check for $125 for the March but not for the first one, which was $100. I just want to make sure that those invoices are going out and people are getting that. 

I'm getting payments for the Winter Guard trip to San Diego. 

We want to mention that you please check your spam folders for invoices. We have been seeing a lot of the Century emails going to the spam folder. 


You guys are still entering your hours, which we'll talk about. 

Friday we're going to have our trailer back. We are so delighted that our food trailer is upgraded. 

It has new lights, it has new wraparound e-tracks, it has custom-built shelving, it has flooring that's been painted, and I believe a threshold.

We have this thank you card that the kids are signing, a huge thank you to George and Trina.

We're excited for Friday, at 10.30 to be celebrating. 

This is a huge upgrade.

It is a project for Clara Salter’s Silver Award in Girl Scouts, and she took the lead on it. 

Weston Cartos also finished his Eagle Boy Scout Eagle project in our big garage out there where we park the Jagmobile. He organized and they built and put in place giant steel shelving. There was a lot of stuff in there. There's lots of room for the Jagmobile now. 

It was a bit of a family project originated because Lane, our oldest son, was in the Century Marching Band. He did the Jagmobile as his senior project. So for that to have a place of sort kind of kept the family tradition alive. 

How many of you filled out December hours Google form? Please fill this out. Even if it is one of the older forms, I've been tracking you can enter your hours and collecting those and tabulating 

We need 16 family volunteer hours for the fall season and 10 hours for the winter season in addition, if you have a student participating in Winter activities. I'll be getting a list of who's in the wiinter groups so that I can help tabulate with the treasurer. 

I have a total there today, if you're just curious, we are at 4,502 hours.

I haven't seen the end date posted yet when they have to be in this year for matching donations from Intel, Nike, ETC. I know it's soon, so get them in, because, and rules are changing this next year, it sounds like intel is going to $1,000 per person. 

Chomp concert, next week on Thursday the 23rd at 8, younger kids or high school kids that want to come watch.

There's some jazz concerts coming in February and the first jazz competition on February 8th.

There's the Tigard preview show for Winterguard groups on February 8th. 

Can drive on February 8th if you're not doing something for bands. 

Jim Dunlop

PEP Band The goal is to do 6 games. Some can't do all six. So those people just need to come to me individually. But the goal is six. They can come to as many as they want. They need to sign up because I know I got five trombones on hand, whereas I don't want to be surprised at the game like, we have none. It just lets me troubleshoot. If they come and they're not signed up, I'm not promising them the credit because I need it full first. There's enough places that they can sign up to make sure that it is good. 

I do have times for West Salem. We're in the morning. I'll send those out. I'm just trying to catch up on some calendar stuff.  

I'll say that I can only get one bus, so a lot of times it's a long day if they stay the whole time, but if you wanna come and get them, you're welcome to. It's just not possible to have a bus that's going back and forth, and some of us like to stay for the awards. Your student does not have to do that. 

It costs approx. $7 to get in, it's not terrible, but they do charge something, and there's a lot of schools that should be a ton of fun.

We are doing the Rose Parade. The Rose Parade is a couple days after graduation. We're certainly hoping that all the seniors will want to do the Rose Parade, 

We'll also do another parade. We're looking at the St. John's parade or the Hazel Dell  parade or maybe both of those parades. 

Tomorrow at nine o'clock, they're announcing the finalists for the essentially Ellington Jazz Band Competition in New York. No Oregon band has ever done it. We're really excited about the prospect of that. We'll let you know as soon as we find out, but it's very hard to get in.

We definitely gave it a good shot, sent in a good tape. 

A lot of kids are working really hard. It's the hard part of the season because we haven't performed, we know that there's lots of stress. I'm really proud of all the hard work that's been going on. You should be too. A lot of good progress. A lot of good things happening. 

The coaches and I have talked about ending times. Rehearsals will be done on time, and then they just need to move faster. I think the guard ones are doing a pretty good job of that. 

The floor has been taking too long because the floor is hard to fold up because of space issues. At some point I think it would be great for us to have another discussion with the school district, not the school, about space. If we have a space where we can open the floor correctly, it would be much easier to fold. If we had a gym that we actually got to use regularly, it would be much easier to avoid situations like Saturday. We all had to move over the century which is not the ideal because that's not what we really want to do and then we didn't even have our floor and so I would love to say that after the season was over there needs to be a discussion with the district and say why do our high school kids get bottom priority over gym space. We're just trying to make it work, but I do think it's a discussion. 

We are planning to do the Fourth of July parade, next summer, not this summer, so 2026 in Washington, D.C. I just want to throw it out there early. We're gonna try to put some stuff together. We're still waiting to get some stuff done with the organization. This is just a heads up for saving for this trip. Working Hops games. I will say in Sheryl's behalf, her kids, I don't think have paid for a trip in a long time because they've earned them all working Hops games. But that's a good one to start saving up for.

We had to let go of our coach on that A Percussion team.. We're regrouping a little bit, moving less, playing more, and added some stuff that way. So having some kids use their senior project a little bit more as an instruction. We have adults that are still running a lot of it. But we've moved some of the instruction piece to some of our seniors that needed a senior project. Derek will still be involved. Nilo, Theo will still be involved. We have decided not to make it a full move show and to put them in a concert division, as it's called, where they standstill. There is a standstill category. They're doing all the competitions.

Jeff Snively

In April we'll start the nominations for board positions. So if you want to run, all positions are available to run for. 

This is my last year, so a president position definitely will be open.

Then in May we will vote. New positions begin July 1. 

Members Present

Tina and Wah Tran

Sonja and Marcel Gose’

Jaclyn Petersen

Elizabeth Martinez

Becky Takera

Alicia Koehn

Frank Hoxsey

Lorene Beedle

David Dobson

Chrisy Hennigan

Cris Travis

Brian Lew

Marlicia Thaxton

Treena Cartales

George Cartales

Christina McClelland

Lisa Cavanaugh

Madeline Snively

Guadalupe Martinez Luna

Jackie Revilla

Christina Saribay

Aaron Salter

Sheryl Hughes

Travis and Jenna Heidel

Efigenia Torres Nolasco 

Amy Wood

Memory Bybee

Valary Smith

Sean O’Brian

Aimee Jones

Theresa Gerber

Wolfgang Hoffman

Ginger and Jerrod Price

Nicole Carr

Kristin Keezel

Shawn Ryeshar

©2025 by Century High School Marching Band & Colorguard.

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