Patty Battin
Jul 9, 2024
New Parents, New Students, Band App, Costumes
Century Band Boosters
New Parent Meeting Minutes
July 9, 2024
Mr Dunlop Band DirectorÂ
We have 2 Goals for tonight. To make sure we have your student in the right place and we have your information. There will be a lot more information coming. We just need to make sure we have this information. We need to know by Monday who will be in the Marching band. Meeting Monday with the choreographer/drill writer. There will be many new words to learn.Â
We have Zach Dye in the back. He is the Caption Head of the Colorguard. Then we have Brisco. He is an assistant director and drum tech. We have a Drum Caption and Brisco is under him. Plus we have a marching staff.
Jeff Snively is the Band Booster President. This is the Booster side. They do all the adult stuff.Â
You can email Jeff at: president@centuryband.orgÂ
The other Booster officers are
Patty Battin. Secretary email secretary@centuryband.orgÂ
Lisa Cavanaugh Uniform Chair email uniformapparel@centuryband.orgÂ
Christina McClelland Volunteer Coordinator email volunteers@centuryband.orgÂ
Jason Keezel and Andrea Martin Treasurers email treasurer@centuryband.orgÂ
Christina Saribay Fundraising Coordinator email fundraising@centuryband.orgÂ
We have a student side of leadership. They work with the student. Doing fun things, helping with fundraisers.Â
Patty Battin is our Secretary. All official communication that we want you to know will come from Mr. Dunlop and that goes through Patty. We are currently using a program called CutTime. It is a text system. It does not do emails. So long as we have your information in the system you will get all the communication from Patty
We also use, for the students, a program called Band App. It is a communication tool but it is not from Mr. Dunlop. The band app is particularly used for Happy Birthday for the students. Which is fun as our phone ding all the time as students wish others happy birthday. This app isn’t used by Mr. Dunlop to communicate. All official communication comes through Patty. The band app is just another tool.Â
We also have a Facebook page called Team Dunlop that Mr. Dunlop does not use and he does not communicate on Facebook.Â
You can download the band app on your phone and it looks like this:Â
You can search in the App store for Band App.Â
You can contact Mr. Dunlop by email at: dunlopj@hsd.k12.or.us This gets checked daily during the school year and and not as often in the summer.Â
We also have a website where you can find things. centuryband.org The calendar is on the website.Â
Here is a link to the calendar: Calendar | Century High School Marching Band & Colorguard (centuryband.org)Â
All our activities are on the calendar. We work very hard to get all the information you need onto the calendar. We suggest you look at it often.Â
Students get measured during band camp. Everyone in the band wears the same uniform and the same shoes. We provide the band uniform but you have to purchase the shoes. Everyone is required to wear the same shoes. Those can be purchased through Lisa Cavanaugh. All students are provided with a show shirt.Â
We need all our parents to help out. To volunteer you must pass a criminal background check. This is the link to that page: HSD Volunteer Application This is a very easy process. First time you will need to get fingerprints and the school pays for the fingerprinting.Â
We currently track volunteer hours through Workforce. This can also be downloaded on your phone. It looks like this:
The treasurers can help you set this up once you have it downloaded.Â
You can also just write down you hours on paper and keep track that way if you wish.Â
You will get an hour for attending parent meetings.Â
Anyone who works at Intel or Nike can turn those hours into them and they match that and the band gets money from them.Â
This year we are beginning a buddy system. Getting you set up with a seasoned parent that you can ask questions. If you are interested in having a buddy to help you please email Kristen Keezel at:Â keezelkr@gmail.comÂ
This system can help you get acquainted with all things band related.Â
Marching Band is our social leadership activity piece. Concert band is our band piece where they come to class and we play music and we have concerts.Â
We have a very active Marching band. Students are not required to do Marching band but you are on a list of students we believe are wanting to do Marching band.Â
This year we are doing a Haunted Mansion Show. The music is fun and we are trying to do a scary but fun show.Â
We have really talented, really experienced staff. We have 5 world champions on our staff. That means they have done the activity and gone on to be at the top level and now teaching with us. We are so lucky to have them and we are so excited for this year.Â
The website has a handbook that has a lot of information. We are currently working on simplifying it, getting a new updated version. There will be a contract for you to sign coming up. We have an attendance policy. If your student has to miss a practice we will let you know who to contact so we know your student won’t be at practice. We do ask that if your student misses a practice we ask them to get with another student to get them caught up.Â
We have a Fall season, Parade season (which is in the Spring) is connected to Fall season and we have a Winter season. Our winter season has Winterguard, Percussion and Jazz Band.
Attached to these minutes is a handout from Mr. Dunlop that talks about the financial side of Band.Â
Our next Parent meeting will be Tuesday August 27th at 7pm at Century.Â
Members Present
Alicia Koehn
Richard Revilla
Valary Smith
Wolfgang Hoffman
Kristin Keezel
Jason Keezel
Cris Travis