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October Parent Meeting

Patty Battin

Oct 8, 2024

Mrs Kasper, Fundraising, Uniforms, Overpayment vs Credit, Showcase

  1. Mrs. Julie Kasper Century Principal

Mrs. Kasper gave us information about the district thinking about an earlier start to school. 

She gave us a QR Code to fill out the questionnaire. Good until Oct. 25th.

  1. Fundraising

    1. Jazz Auction April 26th at Hidden Creek in Hillsboro. Tickets go on sale early Dec until the end of January. Early Bird Special $55.00. End of Jan to March $60.00. At the door $65.00. The goal is to sell 100 tickets. Last year we sold 75, years before that we never got over 52. We have moved to a community center hoping to get our community involved. We will have 2 of our own parents cooking for us and they are doing a New Orleans Southern style menu. We are starting to build the baskets now. If you want to be on the Jazz Auction Team contact Christina Saribay at 

    2. Pie sales. This year they will have a pumpkin cobbler.  This does not give the student a fundraiser point as it is a money maker for the students. 80% goes into the students account (the variety pack gets the most money to the student account). Starts Oct 21st through Nov. 1. Pick up is Nov 15th. Pick up 3:30 at the school. More information to come as it gets closer. 

    3. Showcase Ads due by Oct 11-both personal and business are due!  Get them in! We will be charging $2.00 per program this year. 

    4. Showcase Meeting for Volunteers week of Showcase  Date/Time Oct. 23rd 6:30pm

    5. We will be selling showshirts at the Showcase. 

    6. Noodles and Company may be our fundraiser for the Showcase day Oct. 26th. 

    7. Upcoming Can Drives. Nov. 9, Dec. 14, Jan. 11th, Feb. 8th, March 15th, April 19th and May 3rd. These are on the Calendar. Potentially doing them again in Summer.  

    8. Fred Meyer reward card. You can designate Century High School. We got $456 last quarter. 

  1. Uniforms and apparel

    1. Hopefully everyone has shoes now. If not please Let Lisa know at

    2. Remind families to have long black socks and marching shoes for competition days.  Please wear black pants and show shirt under (then if anything happens - holes in uniform or pant leg up- it is black)

    3. As for the show shirts, they are on the website now. 

    4. Show Shirt Orders Due 10/9/24(first printing getting done this week) by the meeting it will be done.

    5. For Hair- pack extra hairties, bring own comb/brush if needing help with braiding.

    6. I will not be at the Grants pass competition. Christina M and Jaime are helping with uniforms in my absence. 

    7. Wind ensemble/symphonic families contacted if students said they need attire. Tux shirt, bow tie and specific dress required. Email me if you need help getting attire or have questions 

  1. Treasurer

    1. If you paid Fair share, fantastic if not please pay your fair share. We use this to pay staff, buy food,  ETC. For reference, the cost of food for our first competition was $600 for the students. 

    2. Going to set up some meeting dates for questions out accounts, invoices vs. receipts vs statements. If there are questions you can ask and if you want to meet individually we can set that up as well. Jason and Andrea can be reached at 

    3. Overpayment vs. Credit The accounts have to be set up in such a way that credits are not in our general fund. We have to be able to account for the credits. Credits are Hops, pie sales, Ad sales, things like that. Overpayment is if you paid over the amount due for payment which you can get back. The credit portion you do not get back. This can be discussed at the accounting meeting also. If you put a check in the band box that is not fully filled out (example $150.00 check and you do not write one hundred and fifty dollars in the correct space provided, the bank will not accept it and the check will be returned to you to fill out completely). On the envelope please write: Name, amount, reason for the check

    4. Volunteer hours that have been completed 16 hours through Christina M. will get credited if you met the 16 hours. 

    5. If you are paying by check you should remove the credit card fee. If you have questions please ask and we will tell you the correct amount.

  1. Secretary

    1. CutTime Texts vs. Emails There is a place to mark when I am sending out messages. I am just marking both boxes. If you do not want to continue to get Text messages then respond to the text STOP and those messages will stop. 

    2. Asked about the look of the Text. There should be 2 years sitting there. The top one is the current year. 

  1. Volunteering

    1. Background checks are necessary for volunteering. If you have not begun the process here is a link to the correct page on the website. Parents | Century High School ( If  you have already completed the background check please check and send a picture of your status. You can do that by going to the link above and clicking on volunteer application then check my status. Make sure the picture includes the HSD heading is including in the picture. 

    2. Recording volunteer hours. If you have the Workforce app we will be doing away with that and you will need to keep track of your hours. Please submit your volunteer hours from June 1 to the end of September. Then monthly after that. Hours collected through Google Form that went out Sept. 30.  Continue to collect on paper, spreadsheet, calendar, etc.

    3. Sign up have been going out a week at a time so you can see what is coming up. 

    4. Please email Christina McClelland with completed Volunteer status photo for our records.

    5. Thank you to all who have contributed in some way this season!  We have a fantastic team!

    6. Grants Pass information to announce/share at the meeting. (Mr. Dunlop will probably go over some of this.)  We will use families who attend to help our designated chaperones to get props on/off field, serve meals and support our Century Band & Colorguard Performances and Trip! He will talk about medicine, what to pack, meals planned, staying in GPHS gym, contact numbers, chaperones, etc.  Century Performs at 2:40PM Prelims and probably sometime 8PM or later for finals (estimating being in the top 3).

    7. Christina McClelland's Cell # 503-704-2950

    8. Showcase Volunteer & Century Volunteer Sign-ups will be aligned as best as possible to help our teams coordinate between both!  Please complete your volunteer applications and get fingerprinted ASAP. Send completed status updates to:

  1. Hillsboro Showcase October 26th

    1. Very long day starts at 6:30am and runs until 11pm at night. At some point we hope everyone will be volunteering as we do need all hands on deck for this performance. We do need all volunteers to have their background check completed. It takes an army to make this day run smoothly. It is a very fun day. 

    2. 18 total band. That includes us. There is construction going on at the stadium. 

    3. We do make sure everyone who volunteers will be able to watch the band's performance. 

    4. All of showcase money goes to the band. This is all volunteer hours, keep track of your hours worked. 

    5. Good to share about concert etiquette as well (not entering during performances).  Encourage cheering when good things happen, etc!

    6. Meeting Oct. 23rd at 6:30pm for all volunteers to get specific instructions on how to do what you have volunteered for. 

    7. Some jobs do not need background check completed and this will be marked on the signup genius. 

    8. Currently Aurea and Sheryl do not have any students in the band. If you are interested in running the showcase you are welcome to shadow them. Please Contact : Aurea Taylor & Sheryl Hughes with questions:

  1. Mr. Dunlop

  1. This Friday we are leaving for Grants Pass and coming back on Sunday afternoon. Leaving at 10am. Medicine has to be done exactly right. The medication must be the exact amount and it must be in the original container. There is a form for each medication. Different medications have their own form. Your student must come to Mr. Dunlop for their medication. This is their responsibility.

  2. Students must dress appropriately 

  3. Midi Lab has been closed for the rest of the week due to language and inappropriate behavior. 

  4. Papers will be put up for seating assignments. Students can sign up to sit by who they want. If there is an issue with something they will not be able to sign up and will need to talk to Mr. Dunlop so issues can be resolved 80% of the time this is because Fair share hasn’t been paid and there has been no communication as to why.

  5. We have an awesome food committee. We can not accommodate everyone. We try very hard. If your student has special needs let us know and sometimes you may have to send them with food or extra money for food. We also try to post the menu ahead of time so you know. 

Members Present 

Elizabeth Martinez

Marcel Gose

Senja Gose

Logan and Kelly Hickman

Nicole Howell

Kimberly Smith

Robert Knoke

Kim Barry

Alecia Koehn

Tina Tran

Anward Tran

Jaime and Frank Hoxsey

Carin Stronczek

Alejandra Garcia

Lorena Beedle

Wayne Foraker

Jackie Revilla

Christine Carpenter

Memory Bybee

Valary Smith

Erin Salter

Becky Takara

Brian Lew

Chrisy Hennigan

Niki Carr

Louie Russo

Bekah DePry

Sean Walkenhorst

Jertharra Lawson

Darious Lawson

Sean O’Brien

Nancy Foraker

Bryan Bradetich

Guadalupe Martinez

Lynda Travis

Derek Gerber

Christina McClelland

Saira Gantzer

Everett Travis

Tony Sage

Wolfgang Hoffman

David Dobson

Sarah Barnbrook


Liana Duran

Treena Cartales

Amy Wood

Mary Agnes Cando

Lizette Navarro

Aimee Jones

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