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September Parent Meeting

Patty Battin

Sep 11, 2024

Can Drive added, Showcase, Pies, Shirt sale, Fair Share, Volunteering, Background Checks, Recording volunteer hours, trips planed, calendar adjustments

  1. Fundraising

  • Can Drive September 21st. 9am - 1pm 

  • Event coming up in October is pie sales. This year they will have a pumpkin cobbler.  This does not give the student a fundraiser point as it is a money maker for the students. 80% goes into the students account. Starts Oct 21st through Nov. 1. Pick up is Nov 15th. Pick up 3:30 at the school. More information to come as it gets closer. 

  • Century Showcase is a big fundraiser for us. It is on October 26th and we will need all hands on deck for this one. The program is a great way to advertise or to recognize your student. 

  • Jazz Auction at Hidden Creek in Hillsboro on April 26th. Any donations can come in now. We have time but we’d like to get going now so we don’t have the last minute rush. We’d like to get the auction out to the Hillsboro community. Sharing the music and the fundraising. 

  1. Uniforms and apparel

  • Please check your students shoes and if you need shoes for them let us know so we can get another order in before competitions begin. 

  • General band shirts, cap and sweatshirts on the website for sale now. Will close Thursday 9/19.

  • As for the show shirts, once the design is finalized we will have the showshirts on the website. Students always get their shirt first and then we order for the families from orders on the website. We will let you know once they are on the website. 

  • Saturday’s Friends and Family show students will need their full uniforms. Make sure they bring their shoes and long black socks. This is a great way for us to determine that everything is functional. 

  1. Secretary

  • If you are not receiving communication from CutTime (Texts) please let  me know at

  • It seems as if everyone has turned in their Medical / Travel forms. 

  1. Treasurer

  • The first Fair Share invoice went out the end of August. 25% have paid. We need this paid ASAP. This helps pay for the staff and food at the Parent preview. 

  • 2nd Fair Share invoice will go out the end of the week. This time you will have 30 days to prepare. This one is $25 less than the first one. 

  • The volunteer invoice that went out, please do not pay that yet. Unless you know for a fact that you do not want to volunteer. At the end of the year if you did volunteer we will take off what you did volunteer and adjust accordingly. 

  • The spring fee invoice, don’t pay that yet either. This is dependent on if your student. If they get 10 fundraiser points this fee will be waived. 

  • The band jacket invoice, don’t pay that either. The band jacket is a loaner. If they turn it in at the end of the year then that invoice will go away. 

  • If you have questions feel free to email me at 

  • I do work full time so please be patient, 

  • We had a family step up and help with CPA and bookkeeping. This week is the first time the books have been reconciled since I came onboard.

  • If you are asked to buy something for the band there is a reimbursement form to be filled out to get reimbursed. It will be put onto the band app. 

  1. Volunteering

  • Hopefully you have seen the flier for the Parent preview coming on Saturday Sept. 14th. We meet at 6:45 for introductions and the band performance is at 7pm. Students are asked to bring food to share. Seniors bring sweets, Juniors bring drinks and we prefer individual containers. Sophomores bring healthy snacks. Freshman / 8th grade bring salty snacks, individual servings work best.  

  • Thank you to everyone who has been helping. Thank you for so many parents who have come to the meetings. 

  • Background checks are necessary for volunteering. If you have not begun the process here is a link to the correct page on the website. Parents | Century High School ( If  you have already completed the background check please check and send a picture of your status. You can do that by going to the link above and clicking on volunteer application then check my status. Make sure the picture includes the HSD heading is including in the picture. 

  • Recording volunteer hours. If you have the Workforce app we will be doing away with that and you will need to keep track of your hours. There will be a google form for you to fill out. From June 1 to the end of September. Then monthly after that. The google doc is coming closer to the end of September. 

  • Sign up have been going out a week at a time so you can see what is coming up. Next week is pretty low key. 

  • Our first show is on September 28th at Hillsboro stadium and we are co hosting we are working on the details for that. Volunteer sign up genius will be coming. 

  1. Hillsboro Showcase October 26th

  • Very long day starts at 6:30am and runs until 11pm at night. At some point we hope everyone will be volunteering as we do need all hands on deck for this performance. We do need all volunteers to have their background check completed. It takes an army to make this day run smoothly. It is a very fun day. 

  • We do make sure everyone who volunteers will be able to watch the band's performance. 

  1. Mr. Dunlop

  • Calendar changes. Can drive September 21st. Oct 5th Homecoming dance and we like to make availability for the students to attend. We are changing the hours for practice to 9am - 2pm. We will give that day off to anyone who has all their tests done. Anyone who is behind will need to come that day and they will be done by 2pm. We are going to Grants Pass and not Spokane. Oct. 11-13 

  • We are looking at trips for the Winter percussion, Winterguard and Jazz bands. There will be further discussion around these. 

For Percussion we are looking at March 20th - 25th San Bernardino. The approximate cost is $800 per student.  For the Colorguard Feb. 21 - 24 San Diego Approximate cost $700 per student.  Jazz  band is looking at Ellington Jazz Festival in NY. We will have to submit an audition tape. This would be May 7th - 11th.  A B plan could be St Louis Jazz Festival and this is a week earlier than NY. There is another in California. 

  • Next year 2026 is a big trip year and we have been invited and are looking at going to Washington DC for the country's 250 Birthday parade. We will have to submit an audition tape for this one also. We would welcome any seniors who graduate that year to come with us.

  • This school year we will do the Rose Festival Parade. The students have asked to go to parade camp instead of going to an away parade. 

  • I do not have Facebook so do not try to contact me on Team Dunlop. I’ve never seen it. Also do not contact me on the band app. Please text me or email me. 

Members Present 

Elizabeth Martinez

Amy Wood

Jertharra Lawson

Darious Lawson

Lisa Hoffman

Logan and Kelly Hickman

Carin Stronczek

Kim Barry

Memory Bybee

Alicia Koehn

Treena Cartales

Liana Duran

Sequin DeMar

Guadalupe Martinez

Lisa Cavanaugh

Jamie Hoxsey

Frank Hoxsey

Melanie Johnson

Michelle Bell O’Brian 

Jerrod Price

Ginger Price

Cris Travis

Missy Ellis

Niki Carr

Jackie Revilla

Theresa Gerber

Christine Carpenter

Nancy Foraker

Heather Buxton

Jennifer Richardson

April Saechao

Shaun Ryeshar

Christina McClelland

Ron Eatherta

Sarah Barnbrook

Sean Waldenhorst

Charlene Bradetich

Ivonne Villatoro

Mike Brinkmeier

Maranda Hernandez

Saira Gantzer

Jessi Dobson

Kimberly Smith

Jose Navarro

Cassie Schade

Brian Lew

Tina and Wah Tran

Valary Smith

Tony and Kandy Sage

Becky Takara

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