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Nov Board Meeting

Patty Battin

Nov 12, 2024

Treasurer, Fundraising, Band Utility Trailer, Uniforms, All Night Party, Dec Concert


  • The Board went over the Management report. This is the first time we have gotten one of these. 

  • This is based on the numbers we are putting into quickbooks. 

  • Page 4 2nd section under credit card fee income. Discounts given, that was a coupon given from the auction. 3rd section, school band account that is the account where we have to pay towards the p-card. There are families that still donate money to that account, not to band boosters directly. 4th section Unapplied cash payments revenue. Overpayment on student accounts. Example someone pays $160 to their $150 due that is $10 overpayment. This money sits in a holding account until we are told how to use it. 

  • Page 5 4th section p-card payment which shows $500. That was from the prior fiscal year that we paid and this year. You can see that staff is roughly 40% of the band. It is broken down into different sections. 

  • Page 6 websites. We pay $1100 for the different websites we have

  • Page 7 all the same stuff but broken out by months. 

  • Page 11 is a breakdown of the Century Showcase. Total net profit was $12,755.46 + $1,734 for t-shirt sales.

We will get this report once per quarter. 

  • Automated Statements - turning this off because of confusing information. It only goes back 2 months and not to the beginning. 

  • Overpayments - Specific family pays $400 for fair share up front. We can’t apply the over payment to the next invoice,I can’t put that specific money towards shoes.  We need families to let us know to use the overpayment. 

  • Scholarship / Work study for payments. The board will make a form that families can fill out and the board can then approve. Board needs to be careful about who on the board knows this sensitive information. 



  • We only sold 229 pies. Last year 664. We are no longer giving points for pie sales so potentially this is why it went down so far. Also not much publicity on the student side of this fundraiser. Student meetings Wednesday at 3:30pm. We are setting up an adult liasion to attend the student meeting. Christina McClellend is willing to attend these meetings. 

  • One More Time Around Band would like to come back again on May 30th or June 6th. They would like to have this at the stadium. The stadium is not available so this will be at Century. Our choice is May 30th. 

  • We secured the site for the Jazz Auction, Hidden Creek. Catering set up Gustavo and Susan Godoy. Going over the menu on 16th of November. Tickets $55 early bird special October until January. From January - March $60 and at the door $65 Auction is April 26th. Vendor list updated and ready to go. We have 3 volunteer moms ready to go. 

  • Get the students in charge of the baskets for the auction. Christina will go to an officer meeting to get them in charge. Baskets due 10 days before the Auction. 

  • Flowers in spring.  

  • Fun Run  potentially,  May 17th yard signs with QR code so people can sign up on the spot. 

Band Utility Trailer- Silver Award 

  • Food trailor has been cleaned out. 

  • New grill tops. Donations of Blackstone get rid of weird grills and grill tops. 

  • Generators. The school may be replacing our generators. Maybe donations. 

  • Heater has been fixed. Ron Etherton has fixed them before. 

  • Building the food binder. 

  • Food committee Winter Season Meeting to plan for Colorguard & Winter Percussion



  • Biggest thing is formal wear. We have 2 orders and a potential 3rd order. 

Slowly getting students in. Dresses take 4 weeks to come in. Choir and Band use the same dress. 

  • Shoes again. Can we make another shoe order? Those are easy. Come quickly. 

  • Need to inventory show sweatshirts. 

All night party. 

  • 46 students have enough points for the all night party 

When is the Dec. concert?

  • December 17th

©2025 by Century High School Marching Band & Colorguard.

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